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what are the controls on pc? i cant figure it out

A/D = Left/Right. Ctrl = Run. J = Jump

these are the configured controls:


Absolutely amazing work. The whole extra stageset and random on top is stunning. Sadly Nintendo is likely to freakout about this fangame, since they do all the really good ones.

Aside from some slight timing issues, its spot on.


Super Mario Bros. with the Super Mario Land 1 sprite proportions.


its finally done huh, kudos man, youre amazing

(2 edits) (+2)


Aside from some slight differences from the original version (which I think are pretty common), there are a few glitches, but they don't affect the overall gameplay:

ALL: Mushrooms and flowers appear so fast that it's difficult to break the brick next to it immediately after hitting the 1UP mushroom in 1-2

1-2: Hidden bricks (9C?) show up as ? blocks

3-1: One of the pillars at the end drops straight down and a 1UP sound effect is heard, after which it gets stuck into the pillar 

Update: After retrying, I found out that it was a glitch in bgb after reading savestate, I'm not sure exactly why, at the moment I think it's a issue on the emulator side. 

Update again: it's not a bgb issue either, I'm updating the correct version of bgb and savestate is functioning fine. Very sorry about that.

Any chance of a .pocket export to try out on Analogue Pocket? Thanks


you can play .gb files on Analogue Pocket too though if you install a core that plays them

Excellent stuff Ben 💪 I didn't know this existed. I hope all is good with you

Happy to help! I don't even have a pocket but I remembered seeing this online so now needing a pocket file is kind of a solved issue. I never liked having to export a separate proprietary format for a gameboy game because roms are such a nice clean universal format. It was like needing a different power cord in every country you go to.

Unfortunately to my knowledge that patcher only works for games that have had patches hand-made for each game, so it's not able to patch games that aren't on it's list. 

The fact that it covers more than a thousand games is due, among other contributors, to how absurdly prolific JoseJX was at making patches (~1184).

Oh damn, guess I have to keep exporting pocket files then...


Don't tell me you still play pocket files although there's openFPGA, especially with budude's GBC core.


In my work as a games journalist I have to use hardware and software for its legitimate intended purpose. So unfortunately no hacking of my devices


using openFPGA is not hacking.


.pocket files run through a core, the same as ones you can install to play .gb files. Unless you're acquiring licensed ROMs through unofficial means, there is nothing illegitimate about them.


YO I literally had the same idea a while ago huge props to you for sticking through it and fully completing this!


this is really amazing; well done


Amazing work!!!...

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